Thursday, August 26, 2010

When Engaging On A Managed Print Services Program, Is It Better To Install The DCA Before Equipment Tagging?

Typically it will make a lot more sense to first install your DCA (Data Collection Agent) prior to any equipment tagging. This will give you a much clearer picture of the number of devices and locations, serial numbers, etc., and you’ll be in a better position to go to the customer facility and appropriately tag and inspect the devices to be covered.

Are you installing software DCA or a network appliance based DCA (hardware DCA solution); much of that depends on the security concerns of the end-user IT department. Provide options and flexibility that meets customer needs and expectations.
Obviously, if the engagement process requires an inspection of the existing equipment prior to moving forward, first installing your DCA may not be an option; but I would certainly be pushing hard for this. When possible, make that part of your engagement process. Ask for the DCA installation to:

1- Immediately provide them with data on number of devices, device locations, usage, and current service needs

2- Allow you to perform the initial equipment inspection and evaluation more efficiently.

Get your DCA installed as quickly as you can in the sales cycle. Once installed, you’ll be in a much better position to demonstrate your value. Make it real and meaningful; highlight your capabilities early in the process. Once they see value in your solution, they will be more likely to implement at some level.
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